Old-Fashioned Media
I don't watch the news because it bothers me to hear how messed up the world can be. As a mom it breaks my heart to see reports of the things that are happening to kids...kidnapping, child abuse, sexual abuse and more. I never want E and W to be out of my sight again! While the news and websites like Fox news bring you current events they seem kind of removed. As awful as they are they don't directly affect me.
Social Media
I have been avoiding Facebook and screening my email more closely to avoid dealing with the stressful side of social media. Social media is more personal. Everyone sharing their opinions and views. Not taking into account when their opinions are hurtful. I try to avoid the parts of social media that are hard to filter. I removed myself from a social group with an email board because I could avoid being hurt and mad about the way I felt about decisions that I made. I know that there was never a personal attack, but the way that other people justified their decisions made my decisions wrong in their eyes. I have been tempted to delete my Facebook account, but am worried that I will lose touch with other important people who I only talk to via Facebook. Deleting most of my friends list would be going overboard.
As you may have noticed I am affected by the words of others. Words can hurt more than actions. (An explanation for another post!) I know that they shouldn't be able to get to me, but it sinks in and festers. I am a good person. I do not need to be jealous, feel small or be hurt by what is posted in my media network.
How do you avoid letting other people make you feel so small? How do you avoid letting the pitfalls of media and social media get to you? For those of you that have done a temporary "Facebook Fast" what was the impact? Do you recommend it?
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