I have been wanting to start a blog for a long time, but I always worried that my words weren't important enough to actually put into writing. I also worried that I don't have enough that is enjoyable to read. I hope that if you have found your way here that you enjoy what I write and that it helps you in some way.
Now to explain my title a little...
I am in school working on my bachelors degree in education. I have been told by three different professors that my identity is either weak, undefined or that I adopted a "ready made" identity that isn't my own. I don't agree with them, but think that my identity could use some fine tuning and a little more establishing.
With most of my blog posts I will try to establish something about how the experience I'm writing about concerns my identity. Some will just be experiences that are worth sharing.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an identity as "the distinguishing character or personality of an individual."
I hope you enjoy this journey with me!
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